
One of 10 children would benefit from eyeglasses...


...One in 10,000 children in sub-Saharan Africa has access to eyeglasses they need.


Eyeglasses For Children appreciates that we have the privilege of having access to the most advanced health care system in the world. We recognize that the vast majority of the world is not so fortunate. We believe that one area where we can make lasting and powerful impact is in vision and eyesight. It has been estimated that up to half of the children in institutions for the blind in Africa can be made to read normal or large print with the help of glasses (J. Silver et al, Br J Ophthalmol, 1995). in conjunction with our sponsors have initiated an eyeglass program to do onsite screening and fitting of glasses for children in under-served sub-Saharan Africa.  The pilot program is focusing on school-aged children in Tanzania in 2019 with the aim of fitting 250 children with glasses in need.





Furthering the fund of knowledge...


Our research effort at is a focused, multi-faceted approach in Neurological research, both clinical and basic projects.


Neurological Research.

Neurological research has come a long way in the last 50 years, yet still remains a frontier that has endless bounds for further research and understanding.  We are exploring and supporting ways in which we can help increase the level of understanding to neurological research from clinical perspective. We are also looking at methods of the expansion of the field to other areas of medicine but with a focus on the neurological axis. Lastly and importantly, we focus are also focusing on the economic impact of advances in patient care to maximize value-based utilization of health care resources.

Research grants.

While is passionate about neurological research, there are many areas of research that can advance our mission of One. Life.  As such, we accept and will review requests for research grants in these and other areas that keep with our mission and goals. Requests must come from a researchers who have an academic medical affiliation with an advanced degree in a US institution. While all requests are reviewed, only a select number will be funded, and the decisions made by our research committee are final. There is no relationship between grant awards and utilization of products or services by our sponsors.



Education. is focused on education of groups on topics which we feel they may benefit from. Whether this is research topics, white papers, research studies, opinion pieces, and other articles. We are also focused on giving talks and lectures to interested audiences both in the US and abroad. While our mission of education is broad, our hope and goal is to provide a resource to those that are interested, perhaps foster a conversation or an awareness, or allow a person or group to focus on a goal or objective to improve the lives of those that are less fortunate.

'One. Life.'

Current Research Education

While we conduct unbiased, peer-research that focuses on, among other research projects, telemedicine, the remote delivery of care, and patient safety, including advances in patient safety, operative efficiency, physiology and computer analysis, we also aim to educate others about these fields.  By doing so, we hope to advance the fields of study, and create awareness of the challenges.  We send post and send regular updates about these and other fields to professionals we feel might benefit from these.


Educational outreach to medical professionals supporting further spread of knowledge and education to members of the medical community and the broader patient community.  

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
— Nelson Mandela